Nature Connection with Children and Young People
We use the Forest Garden at the Quadrangle as an educational resource for workshops and site visits for schools and youth groups.
The Forest Garden is a great tool to engage students, parents and staff in a wide range of topics relating to soil science and geology, design, food production, healthy eating, well-being and community leadership.
We can support 10-30 students to experience forest schooling and child-led play. These sessions increase participants awareness of the natural world and help build confidence, independence and creative problem solving.
Our permaculture teachers can deliver:
– Full or half day workshops ranging from looking at soils, forest school activities, bushcraft and cooking with seasonal fruit and vegetables.
– Continuous professional development, supporting school staff on how to use the outdoors as a teaching and learning tool.
This project is supported by the Darent Valley Landscape Partnership Scheme (DVLPS). Led by the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit, the five year scheme (running until summer 2022) operates between Dartford and Westerham in West Kent. It has recently received £2.1 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund along with other funding securing a total of £4 million towards conserving, enhancing and celebrating the landscape of the Darent Valley.
At the Scheme’s heart is the valley’s historical connection with the artist, Samuel Palmer, who called the valley his ‘earthly paradise’. Through its partnership approach, DVLPS is delivering over 40 integrated cultural and art, access, heritage and biodiversity projects within all communities, towns and villages throughout the scheme area. It works with a host of partners, conservation organisations, local authorities, artists, schools, local interest groups and many more to deliver these projects. The Scheme aims to engage local people and visitors in the stunning landscapes of the Darent Valley, encouraging them to not only enjoy and explore these landscapes but feel a connection to them and a desire to look after them.