Tools of Liberation: Meditation, embodiment and inquiry
Join dharma teacher Martin Aylward and a group of other like-minded souls for a weekend of depth and openness, silence and stillness, love and freedom.
While our outer lives depend so heavily on circumstances, our inner lives can be nourished from a different source, where wisdom, love and freeness of being become our true home. This weekend just outside London over the autumn equinox, will be a time for this nourishment, with practices and teachings to train the mind and liberate the heart.
There will be time for meditation and embodiment practices, for ‘meditation out loud’ using dialogic, relational exercises, and for being in the open space of the Kent countryside, with Earth below and Sky above. Martin will be joined by assisting teacher, Milla Gregor.
Martin Aylward
Martin Aylward began dharma practice and study aged 19, spending several years in Asian monasteries and with Himalayan hermits. Teaching worldwide since 1999, Martin co-founded Moulin de Chaves, the retreat center where he lives and teaches in SW France; the Mindfulness Training Institute and the online dharma community Sangha Live. A husband and father, he integrates dharma into daily life with programs like Work Sex Money Dharma. His latest book is Awake Where You Are (2021).

Milla Gregor
Milla collaborates with people dedicated to shifting systems towards social and climate justice. She provides facilitation, evaluation and coaching for charities and individuals.
She has practised Buddhist meditation since 2005, and been a student of Martin Aylward since 2016. Other important teachers include Thich Nhat Hanh, Martine Batchelor, Leigh Brasington, Yanai Postelnik and Lama Rod Owens.
Milla offers one to one coaching to support your meditation practice, or to explore the different ways practice and working towards change can overlap. If you’re interested in a conversation about embodied coaching sessions, you can find out more and contact her here.
She lives in East London and enjoys wild swimming, cycling, running, cooking and finding ways to intervene in the capitalist consumer trance. She aspires to participate in creating more justice, liberation, contentment and joy for all.

Arrive on Friday 20th from 6pm and we will finish on Sunday 22nd by 4pm.
A more detailed programme to come
(Includes all teachings and catering)
£315 – a dorm bed (first come, first served), tent pitch or non-residential
Rooms in The Granary are now booked out.
Renting a bell tent: We work closely with a Honeybells Tents and can offer furnished (£240 for up to two people) and unfurnished bell tents (£150), which would be an additional cost to the £315 above.
To book and for further information please email:
We want this weekend to be accessible to all – if payment is a barrier to participation don’t hesitate to get in touch.